BYF:I mainly post about my personal genshin progress, irl issues. kpop. gay things. women appreciation. anime, movies, and languages.I do not use tone indicators much (still learning about them), I am co-op friendly in genshin if you want to be friends DM for UID.

DNFI:homophobic, racist, transphobic, under 20, ageist, abelist, disrespectful, rude, interact in drama, support trump / andrew tate, disrespect any minority/race, if you support Isreal./ if you support bigbang / kris wu / any problematic artists. support violence or support anti women rights.

pronouns: they / them / xe
preferred names: blu / bee / star
sexuality: lesbian (non binary)
lives: canada
birthday: october 15th / 96
signs: sun: libra moon: scorpio rising: virgo
personality: infpーa / mediator.
has: depression + seasonal. anxiety (social). dyslexia. adhd!besties: mikaela, adela, lisa, meghan.

LIKES:creative writing, expressionism, capybaras, strawberries, cooking, abstract art, music, the smell of rain / dancing in the rain, gloomy weather, car rides, deep conversations, open minded people, iced coffee, korean/thai/chinese dramas, traveling, anime, fruits/sweets, collecting figures/albums, tiktok, piano covers, animals, genshin and random puzzle games, boba with friends, drinks, collecting pins, YouTube, comedians, dad jokes/puns, playlists made for me, dogs, sunflowers, sitting in silence, pandas, frogs, plants, frozen grapes, nose kisses, stickers, and sleeping on the phone. 911 / 911 lonestar, scandal, oranges, watermelon, fruit bowls, smoothies, holding hands, praise, fuzzy blankets, fan on to help me sleep, movie nights with friends, lesbians.
DISLIKES:spiders, crowded areas, yelling, rude / snobby / spiteful people, storms with thunder / lightening, confrontation, any kind of anger, triggering topics with no warnings, ____phobic people, unnecessary hate towards others, animal abusers, people who chew with their mouth open, people who shit on others passions or things they like, disrespect, homophobic people, trump supporters, sand, wet socks, people who only sleep with few pillows, people who make fun of literally anybody, men, violence, people who can't keep secrets, one uppers, lgbtqia+ haters, people who support problematic people or Isreal.

adventure rank ( AR ) 60
main team: scarra, neuvillette, kokomi, wriothesley.EU ( SECONDARY SERVER )
adventure rank ( AR ) 29
main team: traveler ( geo ), lisa, kaeya, amber.* hyperfixates a lot on certain things at random times. always co op friendly + farm friendly just please ask before joining!

( would love anime/bl recs )bungo stray dogs, black clover, word of honour, my hero academia, untamed, tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen, aot, free, haikyuu, bakutan. any gibli movies, ponyo, howls moving castle, bubble, spy family. +++on my block, Alice in borderland, 911/911LS, Shadow hunters, BROOKLYN99, OFMD, yuzu (figure skating), most sapphic movies, first kill, about time, do revenge, stranger things. secret life of walter mitty, paw patrol, criminal minds, greys anatomy, theory of everything, Chicago pd / fire. scandal +++2gether, not me, bad buddy, kinnporshe cutie pie, 1000 stars, don't say no, manner of death, guardian, theory of love, cupids last wish, semantic error, 2 moons, star in my mind, sky in my heart, my engineer, eclipse. +++

winbright, lovemilk, offgun, vegaspete supremacytaekook, seuljoy my belovedshenren, eddie + buck / chris, chimhen, tarlos, mancy, tuck. athena + bobby.
.. you get it. ( 911 in general : my family )huck appologist.

the stuff on my account is mainly :
wlw supremacy: anything women related. women art, women characters, women shows, women empowerment, women love. LESBIANS911 / lonestar: best show, im very behind however absolutely love my familes. Brooklyn 99 / memes / kpop videos.genshin addict: .... we can obviously tell i have a major issue with genshin. im obsessed. i could talk for hours about it.lover of frogs, cows, capybaras + strawberries. I hyper fixate on foods I like or animals I love a lot, changes quite frequently because i have adhd and im a golden retriever.

HYPERFIXATION RIGHT NOW: my current saying, “gun in mouth, brains on wall.”it's for a lot of different things, please don't get upset laughing and jokes are the way I cope with my mental health.